The is a website of your dreams.
Changing lives is our goal!
Without the need of drugs, pain killers, and painful surgery is what we plan to accomplish with this website.
The Ultimate Guide to Body Recomposition IS AVAILABLE NOW! ‣ More info on the nutrition guide: This 250+ page Ultimate Guide to Body Recomposition includes everything you need to know about: • How to set up calories & macros for recomp • What foods to eat • Nutrient timing (pre/post workout, pre-bed, etc.) •…
Subscribe here: If you’ve enjoyed yourself a little too much over the holiday season and are a bit heavier than you were at the start, take a listen as we dissect the newest diet, which claims to show major results in only eight weeks. Get more A Current Affair at: Follow ACA on…
Turmeric has been used as both a spice in and for thousands of years. The yellow root spice has been the topic of controversial research for decades. Now, a recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows curcumin, an active ingredient in turmeric, is effective in killing cancer cells. More…
You’ve decided that you’d like to lose weight & signed up to do an event, you’d like to get fitter, or you’re a bit heavier than you’d like to be & want to adopt a healthier lifestyle? Heather explains why swimming is a great way to exercise, and how it could become part of a…
Expert nutritionist reviews the cabbage soup diet and whether or not it should be used for weight loss. Everyone’s favourite nutrition expert, Richie Kirwan, is back for a brand new series — “Nutritionist Reviews…” The PhD researcher will take a closer look at popular diet trends and athlete supplement routines to separate the facts from…
Stream//Download “DENIAL IS A RIVER”: Stream//Download Alligator Bites Never Heal: Follow Doechii Everywhere: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: Stream Doechii Everywhere: Spotify: Apple Music: Tidal: Soundcloud: Subscribe to Doechii’s YouTube here: read more
Losing Weight Doesn’t have to be a drag, here we show how simple and fun it really is.
Ever wonder what other health ideas you never knew about? Let’s dig in on new crazy health ideas that nobody knows about.
Let’s take a look into history and see how old vs new home remedies work in today’s world of health.
Get quick and easy health tips for a longer pain free life!
Common topics we will be covering are Types 1 and 2 Diabetes, dieting weigh lose, anti-aging ideas that you can do from home, foods that are the healthiest, cancer, herpes, and may other crazy health ideas and topics.
Here at Crazy Health Ideas, we are going to review products that good bad and ugly.
Learn what products help, make your life better is our goal. Allows us to investigate if they are trying to sell you snake oil or the real deal.
Look and feel young again, lets test some of the products to see how make years we can reverse off our life.
Thanks to technology we are now learning that age is just a number but looking and feeling younger and very possible.
Darlene Robertson
Web designer
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Jacob Jones
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Leslie Alexander
Business owner
As a small business owner, I needed a ideas that will help me with my diet. I was able lose 45 LB. thanks to this website!
Foods that are toxic to the body are one of the topics that we will be covering.
Also what type if sickness are they licked to.
Taking vitamins are great but knowing what their functions are is even more important.
We will be looking at all the benefits of ever vitamin and mineral there is and which one is most important to take.
Pain killers are used to help get you thru the moment of pain, We will be covering what pain killers are good for how long you can take them before your body gets dependent and what will be the long term affects if taken for long periods of time.
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